Explore the artistic world of Véronique Aimonetto-Chevalier this month
PA - How long have you been painting?
Véronique - I've been painting since early childhood.
JPA - Are you self-taught or have you studied art? If so, what?
Véronique - I studied Art History in Toulouse and practical art at the Académie des Beaux Arts in Brive.
JPA - Can you describe your painting style? What makes your style?
Véronique - I paint modern illuminations. My style obeys a form of calligraphy, without any message, using gold leaf and colored collages made from inks. A kind of "Beautiful" writing.
JPA - What is your state of mind when you paint?
Véronique - My work is a form of meditation and inner journey.
JPA - Why do you paint (what's your artistic "Proust madeleine"?)?
Véronique - My research and quest for beauty are essentially characterized by pleasure. Each of my paintings is a brief moment of eternity.
JPA - Which artists have influenced you?
Véronique - Oriental illumination, the Book of Kells and French medieval illumination have influenced me, as has the contemporary French painter Bissière.
JPA - Which contemporary artists do you feel bring something new to painting or sculpture?
Véronique - Rotko, de Koons, Basquiat, Schneider, Imaie for sure.
JPA - Where would you like to be exhibited? Why or why not?
Véronique - In a chapel ... the perfect place for meditation!
JPA - In your opinion, what is the function of art in our society?
Véronique - Art has a duty to reconcile people, whatever their origins, by bringing them beauty and joy. This is undoubtedly an idealistic and somewhat utopian point of view, but I fully accept it, especially in this world of discord and chaos. Obviously, other painters will prefer rage or provocation.
JPA - Give us one/your definition of beauty.
Véronique - Beauty is that which brings essentially positive emotions to both the artist and the viewer.
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4 Rue du Malpas - 24120 TERRASSON-LAVILLEDIEU
Directed by Pierre Hatf